Types of Employees in a Company, and How to Maximize Their Potential

It is important for management to understand the different options in dealing with diverse types of employees (Testmatick, 2019). In this article, you will learn how to maximize the potential of them.
Best Practices on How to Manage Full-Time Employees
Build a Relationship
Go beyond to ensure that your employee is at ease with their responsibilities, environment, and teammates. It is crucial to establish and maintain a good relationship with your full-time employees (Hovhannisyan, 2020). Team-building practices and one-on-one meetings are some of the great ways to engage the team personally. This will lead them to become more at ease and thus more productive at work (Dagher, 2020). Inform them that you are always available to assist them when needed.
Know What is the Most Important to them
Once you are aware of what is most important to your employees, work to meet these needs to the best of your ability. Schedule one-on-one meetings and career conversations on a regular basis to learn what motivates them to work harder for your organization.
Planning is Priority
Planning and time management are critical when managing full-time employees. Maintain a regular schedule of meetings that works best for your team.
Try to hold a weekly team meeting as well as one-on-one meetings with each direct report. Set a good example of how to stay on top of your responsibilities and strive for successes.
Set Up Clear Objectives and Expectations
Setting goals and expectations are particularly important (Dagher, 2020). You can only manage what you can measure. Setting goals will allow you and your employees to know what you have accomplished before going to the next agenda. Ongoing and clear communication are the foundations of goal setting which should be at the top priority.
Always be open to feedback.
Consider offering feedback between you and your team more consistently and casually. Do not limit the number of your feedback reviews. Your employees should be able to receive feedback all year on their ‘expected’ basis. Evaluating your employees’ progress will be difficult without timely feedback. Remember that positive reinforcement is essential. It is because by recognizing your employees' accomplishments, you can keep them motivated. Lastly, it is also vital to maintain being approachable by keeping all lines of communications open.
Best Practices on How to Manage Part-Time Employees
Part-time employees work fewer hours and may not be paid as much compared to full-time employees. However, we can still help them improve their productivities. Here are some tips!
Consider their desire for adaptability.
Many employees seek part-time jobs because of a desire for flexibilities and work-life balance. Try not to make them work overtime.
Make available the necessary resources and tools
Make sure that all your employees are well-equipped to perform their jobs. Your part-time employees also need resources and tools to complete their jobs successfully.
Maintain open lines of communication.
Your managers and your part-time employees' schedules are likely quite different from one another. Technology today allows us to communicate with one another quickly via a variety of channels such as email, instant messaging, phone calls, video calls, and so on. Select the approach that works best for your managers, and the part-time employees. Moreover, make it known that you are always available for every team member when there is a need.
Provide Career Development
Training helps improve the competencies of your part-time employees. More importantly, it shows that you value their learning and development. As a career advancement, your part-time employees may seek for full-time employment in your company in the future.
Allow them in your Regular Meetings
This helps promote open communication and strengthen team relationships.
The more frequently you do it, the better results it will have.
Do not limit part-time workers to lower-skilled jobs.
Part-time jobs are usually associated with lower, less professional career levels. It is time to make better use of the abundance of highly skilled part-time workers, rather than relegating them to less demanding positions (Dagher, 2020).
Best Practices on How to Manage Seasonal Employees
Companies do hire people for a limited period of time to meet certain specific needs. Generally, these new hires assist with increased work demand or seasonal work that happens at certain periods of the year. These are some of the best practices for managing seasonal employees.
Recruit Early
Studies show some startling statistics about when you should begin recruiting seasonal workers (Dagher, 2020). Start hiring early to have the advantage of acquiring the best talent available.
Do not skip training; Define your expectations
Seasonal employee training is just as important as any other type of employee training. By providing all the tools and resources available to them, they will perform.
Make it a point to communicate what is expected of them and tell them when the employment ends, or the possibility of an extension after that. Document all your expectations for the working terms to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. If you are satisfied with their work, they will be the first to be considered for the next season.
Treat them as if they were full-time employees.
Seasonal employees are still a part of your team and should be treated the same as everyone else. Make your seasonal employees feel that they are an integral part of your team. They will be motivated to deliver high-performance levels (Dagher, 2020).
Best Practices on How to Manage Temporary Employees
Temporary employees are often hired on a project basis. The following are some of the best practices for managing temporary employees.
Provide and solicit feedback
An effective manager is always on the lookout for ways to improve the organization. Provide feedback to your temporary employees to help them gain experience and if possible, lead them to full-time jobs. Likewise, take the opportunity to ask for feedback on how you can manage them effectively.
Learn from your Temporary Employees
Your temporary employees may be able to provide invaluable insights. Because of their short-term employment, they may provide information that you would not have known otherwise.
All your employees regardless of the nature of their work deserve your time and attention. Adjusting your management style based on the types of employees in your team will improve communication, productivity, and relationship within the organization.
(Dagher, 2020).
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Dagher, K. (2020, May 20). 4 Different Types of Employees and How to Manage Them. Fellow.App. Retrieved June 9, 2020, from https://fellow.app/blog/management/types-of-employees-and-how-to-manage-them/
Hovhannisyan, A. A. (2020, February 3). THE IMPACT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL ON THE FORMATION OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR IN THE WORKPLACE | Modern Psychology. Modern Psychology. https://journals.ysu.am/index.php/modern-psychology/article/view/Vol.3_No.1_2020_pp.047-060
Testmatick. (2019, September 19). When Should Technical Writing Company be Appealed to? https://testmatick.com/when-should-technical-writing-company-be-appealed-to/